Day 3 of Competition was the Team's events. To compete in this Australia would need 3 competitors with at least 1 competitor running a mini or toy dog. So we spent the day in the stands cheering on the other teams and watching in awe of some of talented dogs and awesome handling. I was really itching to be down there running Gizzy in the Agility and Jumping legs of the teams. I just felt we were starting to meld and that I was understanding his needs more and fine-tuning my timing; and the courses looked challenging yet do-able. But it wasn't to be... Still the closing ceremony and the presentations were great. The team results were Russia 1st, Netherlands 2nd and Canada 3rd.
Gizzy and I had ended up being placed 16th in the Maxi class All-Round Challenge (Agility + Jumping + Snooker + Gamblers). I'm very proud of this achievement considering we first met on Wednesday afternoon for a brief training session before working together for an hour on Thursday at the official practice session and Friday and Saturday competing together.
Gizzy is very different from my own dogs in nature and to run, but we had a lot of fun together once I got a feel for what he needed from me as a handler. There are many things I have learned over the time I've been working with Gizzy... the plan I had loosely laid out in terms of games to play to help our bonding went out the window the first day and I realised that everything needs to be completely flexible to fit with what the individual dog finds rewarding. I had made assumptions going in that I should not have made. Perhaps the first and most important thing is to discover the list of rewards the dog has from most rewarding to least rewarding and use these accordingly.

Tracey, I have greatly enjoyed your WAC blog. Thanks for taking the time to share your wonderful adventure. Havong watched the videos I can see that you and Mal did a fantastic job representing our country. Congratulations!
Good day, sun shines!
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